Monday, December 13, 2010

Snowman Tree

The only good thing to come out of this day is my second tree…a snowman tree. I spent the day with two sick kids in a dr.’s office and then CVS. Not fun to say the least. The highlight came at 7:00 when I looked into Colton and Camden’s rooms and they were both fast asleep! Score! I took the opportunity to put up my second tree that I decided to make all about snowmen. I found cute bead garland with colored buttons, very snowman like. I used red, green, gold and white bulbs and little snowmen icicles. Finally I added in a bunch of fleece snowmen and topped it with a Frosty the snowman hat. Jamey put his own spin on my creation in the last picture.


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Complete with carrot nose and a corncob pipe!