Wednesday, April 18, 2012


MESA Competition

This is my crazy team! Yes, I coached a team dealing with math, science and engineering. Not exactly my strong points! They did an amazing job, I am so proud of them :-)

002 004 006 008


Ag’s Annual Egg Dying Party

001 012    032 036 068 069 072 073  091 096 099 100 103  109 120  136

Colton’s First Soccer Game

026 027 030 040 043 046 062



050 051 053 054 059 070 074 083 095 105 112 131 e8 e9 e10 e11 e13 e14 e16 e17 e18 e19 e20 e21 e22 e23 e24 e25 e26 e27

Opening Day and Camden’s First Game

164 167 169 172 173 177

Camden even won a raffle, $50 to Modells

179 183 188 game1 game2 game4